Updates on the topic of ALS

Research results from Christopher SeckerChristopher Secker, press release April 2018

Development of a new method for the characterization and quantification of protein accumulation in ALS

„In approximately 95% of ALS patients, the protein TDP-43 is deposited in the brain and spinal cord regions affected by neurodegeneration. This protein is suspected to be significantly involved in the progress of ALS. In a research project, Christopher Secker has developed a new test method that can be used, among other things, to study the accumulation of the TDP-43 protein.“

Further information on the ALS research result

Information film - What is ALS


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This film (only available in German) gives an insight into the causes of the symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). A film from the ALS and other motor neuron diseases outpatient clinic at the Charité with the support of the AVE Television Production Company.

Exoskeleton training video


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In this film (only available in German), the ALS outpatient clinic at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin shows you how exoskeleton training works and what effect it brings the patients.

The Bremer ALS Foundation

For a curable amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

The Bremer ALS Foundation has committed itself to the urgent concern of making lasting contributions to the research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). To implement the foundation’s goal, it supports scientific and medical projects with a broad range of content.
Common to all activities is the vision that in the future ALS can be stopped , reversed and cured in the long run, improving the quality of life of people with ALS.




The Bremer ALS Foundation supports scientific and medical projects in the following areas:

Basic research

Investigation of the causes and mechanisms of disease

Therapy research

Development of medication and treatment methods

Health services research

Optimization of patient care


Special scientific achievements honors the foundation with the

„Irmgard Marthiens Prize“



Medicinal cannabis and ALS

The Bremen ALS Foundation is sponsoring a scientific study on the therapeutic significance of medicinal cannabis in ALS, which is carried out by the Charité ALS outpatient unit.

ALS can cause a variety of symptoms and complaints. For some people with ALS, traditional medications cannot completely relieve the symptoms. In recent years, it has become apparent that medications containing cannabis can be an important addition to ALS treatment in this situation. So far, there are only a few systematic scientific studies on this topic.


Evaluation of respiratory care

The use of respiratory aids (mask respiration, invasive respiration, cough assistance) offers important treatment options for people with ALS in the advanced stages of the disease. Despite their great importance, however, there are still no guidelines on the optimal timing, intensity and technical equipment for respiratory care. Therefore, there are significant differences in the treatment of ALS patients with respiratory aids in Germany. First scientific evidence indicates that the modern possibilities of respiratory care are not fully utilized.


The founder


The Bremer ALS Foundation was founded in 2016 by Knut Marthiens, whose wife was affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He invites you to join him in supporting the cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Knut Marthiens was born in 1941 in Berlin. He had a difficult childhood and developed a strong sense of human rights in young age. In 1959, his charitable nature got him a three-year sentence in the GDR state security prison in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen after his family fled the country. His strong character and absolute will to live helped him to survive those tough years.

After the the Federal Republic of Germany paid his ransom in 1964, Knut Marthiens succeeded in a quickly integrated into society. Soon after graduating in MBA, he held senior positions in HR and production management.

More information about the founder Knut Marthiens